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Coronavirus Filming Day 1 - Wiltshire Cameraman

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Today was my first day filming Coronavirus stories for BBC News.

I started early at a school in Bath recording vox pops with parents dropping children off. The parents were lovely and most took the time to talk to us. I think in times like this there is something comforting about public broadcasting. The BBC are doing a great job keeping us all informed.

You can see the package below. I was fighting the rain....

The next job was with Andrew Plant at Chippenham Pit Stop, filming interviews with HGV and Lorry drivers who sadly have been getting grief from service stations when they try and refuel and use facilities over Coronavirus fears.

As a precaution at both locations the journalists used my mic boom to maintain maximum distance from the interviewees.

Stay safe out there people.


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